Our Packages
Cultural Inquiry/change
Organisational Development, Transformation
A bespoke organisational development programme to (any or all of the following): Explore your current…
De-escalation Techniques for Customer Service Teams
Mediation and Conflict Resolution
A 3 hour workshop focussed on the principles and practice of verbal de-escalation. Aimed at…
Delivering Key Messages Through the Written Word To Stakeholder Groups
Coaching, Organisational Development, Public Relations, Training
A one-day workshop which focuses on the design, development and delivery of key written messages…
Developing an Outcomes Framework for Culture and Leisure Services
Organisational Development, Transformation
Culture and sport services need to be able to clearly demonstrate the contribution they make…
Development Coaching
Coaching, Human Resources, Organisational Development, Training, Transformation
Development Coaching is designed to be both practical and motivational, supporting improvement in an individual's…
Digital Transformation and Implementation
Projects and Change Services will work to build on and develop the digital capabilities of…
Dog Safety Awareness
Organisational Development
We have developed Dog Safety Awareness training aimed at helping council staff who visit domestic…
Engaging Leadership Behaviours
Human Resources, Organisational Development
A leadership development programme using the Real World Groups leadership development tools, delivered under licence…
Executive Coaching Programme
Coaching, Human Resources, Organisational Development
Our indvidual Executive Coaching Programme is specifically suitable for Chief Executives, Directors and Assistant Directors…
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