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8 results found

  • Anita Goddard


    Experienced housing professional with extensive housing management experience in both local authority and housing associations.…

  • Lynn Bradley

    Asset Management, Housing

    Lynn has worked for 21 years in social housing with experience of working directly for…

  • Malcolm Sharp

    Housing, Planning

    Malcolm Sharp MBE is a highly experienced Planning and Local Government consultant advising local authorities…

  • Managing the Outsourced Provider

    Coaching, Commercialisation, Environmental Service, Housing, Human Resources, Training, Transformation

    This course is designed to put in place the skills and processes to improve and…

  • Martyn Cockram

    Adult Social Care, Commissioning, Housing, Organisational Development, Public Sector Reform

    Martyn has extensive experience of working across Local Government, working strategically across key improvement and…

  • Norse Group

    Asset Management, Commercialisation, Environmental Service, Housing

    The Norse Group is a national company headquartered in Norwich offering a wide range of…

  • Tim Carr

    Adult Social Care, Change, Housing

    Tim has worked within the public and private sectors in Change, Improvement, and Project Management,…

  • Trish Reed

    Housing, Organisational Development

    With a strong background in strategic housing, Trish is a well respected housing professional with…