Anita Goddard
Experienced housing professional with extensive housing management experience in both local authority and housing associations.…
Lynn Bradley
Asset Management, Housing
Lynn has worked for 21 years in social housing with experience of working directly for…
Malcolm Sharp
Housing, Planning
Malcolm Sharp MBE is a highly experienced Planning and Local Government consultant advising local authorities…
Managing the Outsourced Provider
Coaching, Commercialisation, Environmental Service, Housing, Human Resources, Training, Transformation
This course is designed to put in place the skills and processes to improve and…
Martyn Cockram
Adult Social Care, Commissioning, Housing, Organisational Development, Public Sector Reform
Martyn has extensive experience of working across Local Government, working strategically across key improvement and…
Norse Group
Asset Management, Commercialisation, Environmental Service, Housing
The Norse Group is a national company headquartered in Norwich offering a wide range of…
Tim Carr
Adult Social Care, Change, Housing
Tim has worked within the public and private sectors in Change, Improvement, and Project Management,…
Trish Reed
Housing, Organisational Development
With a strong background in strategic housing, Trish is a well respected housing professional with…